
Our New Nephew

Dave's Brother Jonathan and his wife Dayna had there first baby.
Owen Joseph Gleason was born on July 30, 2008 at 4:10 a.m. weighing 8.26 lbs. and 22.44 inches long. He is so adorable.
Jonathan, Dayna, & Owen live in Swaziland,Africa and they have not yet met Cole. We are excited for their January visit so the two boys can meet. By that time Dave's sister Stephany will have had her baby boy and all three will get to meet. I can't wait until all these babies arrive.


jeramy sossaman said...

cute stuff.

Nicholle said...

He is so adorable!

Natalie said...

Ahhh HOW ADORABLE!! All the new cousins getting together... Get the camera and camcorder ready.